Base +9, Zero Angel +35, Hecklion +7, Mr.Hero +1, grumpymal +29, Nights002 +6, Shibun +9, Sancho_Panza +13, danixxx +30, jaylou1010 +7, Urmean15 +9, Donnachaidh +7, ItsDomo +4, and 6 more...
Base +7, Erranty +12, loc0 +7, karrton +4, S0B +14, LoveAnimation +6, sir_gamer +6
Base +7, Urmean15 +9, loc0 +7, ItsDomo +4, sir_gamer +6
Base +25, grimreaper2425 +7, Shibun +9, Rengaku +9, Maguswaffy +6, Windriver +7, Arkannum +8, Gahasa +14, metropolisrobot +4, PampaPower +3, Seiguld +7, ShimSham1 +1, amurec80 +3, and 3 more...
Posted on 14 March 2012, 14:03 by:
RakShine Score
Base +10, amurec80 +3, sir_gamer +6
Posted on 30 January 2013, 01:39 by:
D u b b y Score
Base +12, SS4312 +5, Legojack +4, ShimSham1 +1, amurec80 +3, sir_gamer +6