Posted on 16 March 2012, 15:08 by:
ac124 Base +3, sigo8 +12, Mice +8, GLRenderer +11, Erranty +12, whr86 +10, jaylou1010 +7, jacksonville +17, Tenzori +7, gandrell +5, D u b b y +11, LoTmasina +2, aiwotorimodose +12, and 36 more...
Base +7, Mice +8, GLRenderer +11, Erranty +12, whr86 +10, 1234megapixel +7, jaylou1010 +7, jacksonville +17, gandrell +5, LoTmasina +2, Artanis44 +12, minin7 +8, Zero Angel +35, and 23 more...
Base +8, jaylou1010 +7, Nights002 +4, LoTmasina +2, Zero Angel +35, grumpymal +29, Numinor +16, Lightgamer128 -9, eyelezz +10, danixxx +30, Ishouni +10, S0B +14, loldu69 +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 08 January 2012, 12:55 by:
qwsdcv Score
Base +7, jaylou1010 +7, Tenzori +7, gandrell +5, Nights002 +4, LoTmasina +2, MB007 +9, The Noodles -6, Bne +6, Artanis44 +12, Zero Angel +35, grumpymal +29, Numinor +16, and 19 more...
Posted on 08 January 2012, 23:04 by:
marc455 Score
Base +8, jaylou1010 +7, LoTmasina +2, Beane +9, Seiphied +9, 20200 +29, Zero Angel +35, grumpymal +29, lutefisk +6, Numinor +16, eyelezz +10, Lightgamer128 -9, danixxx +30, and 22 more...
Posted on 12 January 2012, 21:15 by:
saduj Score
Base +6, grumpymal +29, Numinor +16, Lightgamer128 -9, jaylou1010 +7, danixxx +30, tentacle-man61 +20, jeren_sky -7, etothex +17, Guestoid +7, Hakrei +26, Porokichin66 +8
Base +8, grumpymal +29, Numinor +16, Lightgamer128 -9, jaylou1010 +7, danixxx +30, loldu69 +6, tentacle-man61 +20, jeren_sky -7, Guestoid +7, Deathglass -7, Hakrei +26, Porokichin66 +8
Base +9, Lightgamer128 -9, grumpymal +29, danixxx +30, jaylou1010 +7, Grunt Arbiter +10, tentacle-man61 +20, jeren_sky -7, etothex +17, Guestoid +7, Deathglass +7, y-u-no-face111 +16, Facekun +8, and 2 more...
Posted on 06 February 2012, 22:01 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +7, danixxx -30, Dividedbyzero -9, jeren_sky +7, Guestoid -7, Yowazzupmynig -6, Rouge・ -30, Dorseen -7
Base +8, tentacle-man61 +20, jaylou1010 +7, Guestoid +7, Deathglass -7, y-u-no-face111 +16
Posted on 09 February 2012, 08:35 by:
ZeN69 Score
Base +7, tentacle-man61 +20, jaylou1010 +7, Guestoid +7
Posted on 11 February 2012, 16:11 by:
Palaxius Score
Base +7, Guestoid +7
Posted on 12 February 2012, 05:46 by:
dreacling Score
Base +6, Guestoid +7
Posted on 24 February 2014, 21:26 by:
DJ_Puchuu Score
Base +10, sonofabitch +6