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[DemisE] Christa and the Guillotine (Guro)

Posted:2012-03-21 14:59
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Posted on 21 March 2012, 14:59 by:   DarkKuroi    PM
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Christa & the Guillotine
Author: Demise

Before this photo shoot, Christa wanted to give the photographer ( yours truly ) a little bonus for doing this spread for free and as an incentive to do his best throughout the process. As you can imagin I made sure I did my best. Here are a couple of shots from this 'bonus' time....oh, and she deep throated my meat like a pro. What a team player!

Imagine that you are the one Christa is doing this show for....just you and you alone. You enter the room as she is making a small adjustment to the guillotine....making sure it's in proper working order. She doesn't hear you as you slowly approach. As you come around the front of the guillotine she sees you and smile goes across her face.....because it is YOU she has been waiting for. She is doing this for you and is happy you have arrived.

She knows you are watching and slowly kisses the blade for luck. She then tastes the blood of the former victims knowing that soon it will be her blood staining the blade. She drops to kneel before the guillotine, points to the machine and says "It is time...shall I begin?" You of course nod in the affirmative and she settles all the way down in her kneeling position and looks eagerly to you for approval.

......As you slowly walk around her and the guillotine she follows you with her eyes. You inspect the blood stained guillotine. You look Christa over crefully...taking in her beauty and her erotic look in that skin tight outfit. You look at the basket that will soon receive a severed head. She continues to watch as you nod in approval after looking things over. You stop for a moment in front of the deadly machine and regard her through the frame...then continue on around to her right side.

You walk around behind her continuing your inspection...then back around to the front and gaze into her eyes as she looks at the bloody blade.

220-224 walk to the front again and meet her eyes through the frame. Christa looks away and gazes up at the waiting blade. She stares at the blade for a seemingly long period which triggers a thought in you that perhaps she is having second thoughts....

225-229 your relief Christa begins to lower her neck to the lunette, pauses and looks to you for approval. You of course nod in the affirmative for her to continue. She then pulls the top slide down and locks it around her neck. Christa turns her head in the lunette to look at you and, seeing the anticipation in your eyes, smiles with satisfaction.

....her neck was now secured in the lunette. You walk around the machine one more time and stop and face Christa from the front and slightly to her left. Christa lifts her left arm and takes hold of the release lever then looks to you for approval. Unknown to you, a debate had started in Christas head regarding wheather she wanted to go through with this ore not. You nod your head to indicate that she is to continue but she seems to be hesitating. The debate in Christas head went on as she seemd to just pause there. You begin to get slightly concerned.......

235-239 Christa was pondering the possibility of just stopping now and doing this another day - or not at all - her hand gripping the release handle moved ever so slightly and a small "click" was heard from the top of the guillotine. The blade was released and swiftly came down with a dull thud.....cleanly seperating Christas head from her body. The moral here, if any, is that the time for second thoughts is BEFORE you have your neck locked in a guillotine and your hand on the release - as accidents DO happen.

240-250 stand there as if in a trance watching her head fall in seeming slow motion. You watch the blood slowly pumping out of her carotid artery and pooling on the floor. You walk closer to get a better view of the grisly site and mutter to yourself.."she really did it...she really fucking did it..."

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