Posted on 22 March 2012, 19:20 by:
Reach Score
Base +7, StillWind -7, Xcelcio +7, MASigma +8, sunder ran +8, murderality -6, Captian Katsura -6, rynercall +7, inuyasha1950 +6
Base +9, MASigma +8, jaylou1010 +8, Phantom of Nerima +7, inuyasha1950 +6
Base +9, MASigma +8, jaylou1010 +8
Base +11, Captian Katsura -6, inuyasha1950 +6
Posted on 24 March 2012, 06:35 by:
dap00 Score
Base +26, jaylou1010 +8, sunder ran +8, Red of EHCOVE +37, The_hentai_crow +1, poirepomme +5, ademar +8, Captian Katsura -6, Incest1234 +8, Encuilion +8, inuyasha1950 +6, Gaiadrill +9, pureyang +23
Posted on 26 March 2012, 01:48 by:
madlil Score
Base +9
Posted on 11 April 2012, 00:14 by:
Ilyia Score
Base +7
Base +2, Phantom of Nerima +7