My favorite QB character doing my favorite thing. Yeah, since I took the Blag Flag as my banner she became one of my Idols. The artwork is good, but personally not enough to give it the "awesome" category; the action is really great, I simply love watch her performing The Sweet Act of Love; the plot is sadly a bit boring, I was expecting something more inciting but... Anyway, what's good is good. Thumbs Up!
Final Call: If you don't Download it you're Better Off Dead.
Note: Before Liliana my favorite character was Airi. Just for the record.
@laefielx Yeah, but they're hot zombies...who still have all their flesh...and don't eat technically, there just "undead" and not necessarily "zombies". There is a difference, you know? Also, screw Menace, I'd take Airi, Liliana and Alleyne over her any day of the week! (Those are my 3 favorites, btw.)