Posted on 05 April 2012, 07:54 by:
Kelsero Score
Base +10, cAntW0 +7, fine17 +5, Palaxius -7, sureok0 -6, amt +7, grumpymal +29, jaylou1010 +8, Vadoff +4, Nouz +10, Second Dus +9, seebe22 +5, zms +4, and 34 more...
Base +19, cAntW0 +7, Coloris +18, JRockefeller +7, amt +7, Ultimadrago +8, SolidMetal +5, WanderingEye +9, danixxx +30, Guestoid +7, grumpymal +29, jaylou1010 +8, GhostStalker +6, and 47 more...
Posted on 05 April 2012, 09:26 by:
Vodoka Score
Base +5, sureok0 -6, Ultimadrago +8, Miragu +8, rotar zairo +2, tbstbs1 +6, masmasrandom +6, lokiman +7, Omoroge +2, Alphega +7, emmastoned +4, lolong +6, kinohara_kossuta +6, and 22 more...
Posted on 05 April 2012, 12:21 by:
marc455 Score
Base +8, amt +7, teammate +9, Eus +6, danixxx +30, Guestoid +7, jaylou1010 +8, RareCard +3, Nouz +10, Rivfader89 +9, Doutey -8, primeemu16 +6, 53624 +8, and 22 more...
Posted on 05 April 2012, 13:09 by:
Sera404 Score
Base +12, Hente +6, danixxx +30, grumpymal +29, jaylou1010 +8, GhostStalker +6, dinoturtle +2, pureyang +15, suppleness +9, jopox +8, Otaku_King +8, yukkurikeeper -1, RareCard +3, and 37 more...
Base +11, Captn.Zero +5, yuki2112 +7, wintermute +8, Sadarsa +7, Guestoid +7, danixxx +30, sephiroth955 +6, blagblag +7, jaylou1010 +8, Twistshock +9, Deathglass +7, Doutey -8, and 12 more...
Base +28, danixxx +30, grumpymal +29, jaylou1010 +8, GhostStalker +6, yukkurikeeper +1, RareCard +3, Nouz +10, Deathglass +7, George642 +9, Watsa +7, primeemu16 +6, ThEldeRealm +5, and 21 more...
Posted on 05 April 2012, 16:39 by:
2Hip Score
Base +8, Slobber +27, Demosthenes +11, lolong +6, Draw99Gray +13, Hansuke +7, Guardsman40k +6, Hakrei +26
Posted on 05 April 2012, 17:05 by:
jhbjhb Score
Base +6, sword122 +6, Sebbafan -7, Kingcod +6, Treeku +10, Hansuke +7, necrosis527 +9, rotar zairo +9, Guardsman40k +6, srk7 +6
Posted on 05 April 2012, 19:44 by:
lemeres Score
Base +5, Guestoid +7, bob vance +6, Deathglass -7, Arcueidx -6, thequack1212 -5, pnx073 -7, CreepyPedo -5, lolong +6, Corruptio Ultima -5, Tessen +8, Alldebaram +5, Hansuke -7, and 4 more...
Base +4, thequack1212 -5, YottaSidedTenshi -6, arkshot -5, Tessen +8, sword122 -6, pnx073 -7, daniel9612 -6, lolong +6, Sebbafan +7, Corruptio Ultima -5, Kingcod -6, inkarian21 -6, and 8 more...
Posted on 06 April 2012, 06:23 by:
ikstan Score
Base +8, KAWAII-SPIDEY +6, Miragu +8, Doutey +8, Arcueidx -6, Shades of Blue +5, thequack1212 -5, nhatanh -5, YottaSidedTenshi -6, arkshot -5, bahki -6, sword122 -6, pnx073 -7, and 19 more...
Base +9, Quivit987 +5, yukkurikeeper -1, Miragu +8, Harvest_Sinner -6, primeemu16 +6
Posted on 11 April 2012, 23:13 by:
Tyrfang Score
Base +1, lolong +6
Base +4, sword122 +6, lolong +6, yugi251 +6, granojo84 -6
Posted on 25 June 2012, 20:48 by:
laefielx Score
Base +4, sword122 +6, Sebbafan +7, Treeku +10, granojo84 -6
Posted on 27 June 2012, 21:23 by:
Killua Score
Base +10, seebe22 +5, sword122 +6, lolong +6, Hansuke +7, Guardsman40k +6, granojo84 -6
Base +7, primeemu16 +6, ighdsfgjsdlh +6, YottaSidedTenshi +6, arkshot +5, Bullettime -6, lolong +6, Mr.Braun +6, Sebbafan -7, Kingcod +6, nestorbara -7, inkarian21 +6, Alldebaram +5, and 5 more...
Base +6, ThEldeRealm +5, ighdsfgjsdlh +6, YottaSidedTenshi +6, arkshot +5, sword122 +6, L3nggao +6, Mr.Braun +6, kinohara_kossuta +6, Sebbafan -7, Kingcod +6, Alldebaram +5, necrosis527 +9, and 5 more...
Posted on 27 November 2013, 16:00 by:
tobi1232 Score
Base +4, ThEldeRealm +5, ighdsfgjsdlh +6, lolong +6, Hue_Hue +4, Fighnjaci +10, inkarian21 +6, damnspams +5, Hansuke +7, Guardsman40k +6, viseurahh +6, thaysd +6, Comrade Claus +8
Posted on 08 December 2013, 11:44 by:
Subjho Score
Base +7, Mr.Sparkman +3, ThEldeRealm +5, lokiman +7, ighdsfgjsdlh +6, kudo01 +7, Omoroge +2, kuriosos +6, L3nggao +6, Hue_Hue +4, lolong +6, nestorbara +7, Fighnjaci +10, and 20 more...
Posted on 25 February 2014, 23:46 by:
sv24 Score
Base +6, lolong +6, Hansuke +7
Base +4, thequack1212 -5, nhatanh +5, YottaSidedTenshi -6, jmd123 -6, sword122 -6, pnx073 -7, daniel9612 -6, lolong +6, Sebbafan +7, Kingcod -6, Evyy +7, Corruptio Ultima -5, and 9 more...
Posted on 23 July 2014, 02:39 by:
Dracon Score
Base +7, lolong +6, inkarian21 -6, granojo84 -6
Base +6, lolong +6, Biscuitmankid +2, damnspams +5, ThatStrangeDoll +6, BioTube +13
Base +1, lolong +6, kingejn +6, GGS +10, inkarian21 +6, Alldebaram +5, Hansuke +7, ThatStrangeDoll +6, Guardsman40k +6
Posted on 19 March 2015, 04:35 by:
O___O Score
Base +6, lolong +6, eaglef2 +6, Kingcod +6, Pliny the Younger +6, damnspams +5, Hansuke +7, Guardsman40k +6, Dat Shwing +6, inkarian21 +6, Ilyia +7
Base +6, nestorbara -7, Corruptio Ultima -5, inkarian21 +6, Dat Shwing -6, KuuhakuShiro -6, granojo84 -6
Posted on 12 February 2016, 09:39 by:
WhiteNape Score
Base +8, volkodav +10, Hansuke +7, necrosis527 +9, Guardsman40k +6, inkarian21 +6
Base +6, Samael Azrael +7, Hansuke -7, granojo84 -6
Posted on 16 September 2016, 05:48 by:
MrAegis Score
Base +5, Hansuke +7, necrosis527 +9, rotar zairo +9, lunasa +8, Guardsman40k +6, Lolimir +7, thaysd +6, Hugh Jarse +6, inkarian21 +6
Posted on 25 January 2017, 18:18 by:
SatoshiHP Score
Base +5, necrosis527 +9, xyzdragon +8, lunasa +8, Guardsman40k +6, Lolimir +7, Comrade Claus +8, qwerdssa +9, inkarian21 +6, Psychotic Pastry +6, BananaShinshi +12
Posted on 05 March 2017, 08:53 by:
ElderC Score
Base +3
Posted on 18 August 2017, 05:32 by:
meep402 Score
Base +10, malsi +5, Lolimir +7, KuuhakuShiro +6, Hue_Hue +6, thaysd +6
Base +6, Comrade Claus +8
Base +17, Dat Shwing +6, ZAQAQAZ +6, inkarian21 +6, BioTube +13, dongusmissiles +6
Base +7, Dat Shwing -6, Shinxix -8, inkarian21 -6
Posted on 12 March 2019, 22:53 by:
lolgay3 Score
Base +6, granojo84 -6