Base +1, Jarsh +7, crazy4sian +8, grumpymal +29, hswhat +7, ThanatosNebula76 +9, Forren +7, Romi the Byzantine +5, tentacle-man61 +23, BakaRed-LordKyon +7, LoveYourself +7, JerichoWall2398 +2, 10tonbrick +6
Base +8, Jarsh +7, omegaphlare +8, Shibun +9, Sao-Rouay777 +9, exia45 +8, Amodelsino +5, Kyonko802 +5, Zeruss +10, RyenSaotome +7, Doomzzg +4, Coloris +18, Kaosumx +16, and 84 more...
Posted on 06 April 2012, 08:51 by:
A0_ Score
Base +6, crazy4sian +8, grumpymal +29, Romi the Byzantine +5, tentacle-man61 +23, Kiranta +8, LoveYourself +7, penith +4
Base +5, Patatas +5, crazy4sian +8, McRawr +8, grumpymal +29, cetus +7, swordofice1 +6, hswhat +7, ThanatosNebula76 +9, Forren +7, Romi the Byzantine +5, Orrin_Daralki +6, tentacle-man61 -23, and 4 more...
Base +7, limc +15, Kaosumx +16, Lapited +8, blagblag +7, danixxx +30, crazy4sian +8, backslash +7, grumpymal +29, Kantzakolt +8, lowlevel +8, swordofice1 +6, Overl0rd111 +8, and 23 more...
Posted on 06 April 2012, 12:59 by:
ChazA4 Score
Base +7, RyenSaotome +7, Kaosumx +16, Jarsh +7, danixxx +30, darienkd +9, crazy4sian +8, grumpymal +29, Kantzakolt +8, swordofice1 +6, Overl0rd111 +8, hswhat +7, devoid555 +5, and 16 more...
Posted on 06 April 2012, 17:42 by:
liclic Score
Base +7, crazy4sian +8, McRawr +8, grumpymal +29, Overl0rd111 +8, ThanatosNebula76 +9, Forren +7, dolphinslow +17, Anime Janai +17, Romi the Byzantine +5, tentacle-man61 +23, cetus +8, jaxkey18x +6
Base +6, crazy4sian +8, McRawr +8, grumpymal +29, cetus +7, swordofice1 +6, Overl0rd111 +8, Ero_Manga25 +2, Kenzaki Kazuma +11, ThanatosNebula76 +9, Forren +7, dolphinslow +17, Romi the Byzantine +5, and 9 more...
Base +6, crazy4sian +8, IvanZ +3, grumpymal +29, cetus +7, dolphinslow +17, Romi the Byzantine +5, tentacle-man61 +23, Kiranta +8, Dagoth Gares +4, penith +4
Base +8, tentacle-man61 -23, Fellg -4, crazy4sian -11, MingusDew -6, Guggy -7
Base +37, crazy4sian +8, Anime Janai +17, Stefryan28 -1, scrappy135 +7
Posted on 20 April 2012, 02:14 by:
Blaze66 Score
Base +3, crazy4sian +8, Romi the Byzantine +6, tentacle-man61 -23, xen84 +11, Palaxius +19, Kiranta +8, jaxkey18x +6
Base +9, crazy4sian +10, tentacle-man61 +23, xen84 +11
Posted on 29 May 2012, 02:40 by:
paperfan Score
Base +8, crazy4sian +10, tentacle-man61 +23, xen84 +11, Kiranta +8, jaxkey18x +6
Base +6, crazy4sian +10, tentacle-man61 +23, xen84 +11, Kiranta +8, penith +4
Base +7, crazy4sian +10, Romi the Byzantine +6, tentacle-man61 +23, Jarsh +8, xen84 +11, BakaRed-LordKyon +7, Kiranta +8, wanna +24, scrappy135 +7, BlueThree +7
Base +8, crazy4sian +10, hswhat +8, Kiranta +8
Posted on 04 August 2012, 06:28 by:
Kasuchi Score
Base +7, crazy4sian +10, Kiranta +8, Romi the Byzantine +6
Posted on 11 August 2012, 15:18 by:
IzaSaku Score
Base +8, crazy4sian +10, tentacle-man61 -23, xen84 +11, Kiranta -8, Jarsh -6
Base +4, Romi the Byzantine -6, tentacle-man61 -23, Chanel Williams -5, Seiphied -6, crazy4sian -9, ChillRa -5
Base +3, crazy4sian +10, Romi the Byzantine +6, tentacle-man61 +23, wanna +24
Posted on 09 December 2012, 15:17 by:
ravidouk Score
Base +9, tentacle-man61 -23, Fellg -4, crazy4sian -11
Base +1, crazy4sian +11, Kiranta +8, Romi the Byzantine +6
Posted on 11 December 2015, 17:13 by:
Sprogis Score
Base +3