Base +9, grumpymal +29, cf_49 +8, eyelezz +12, rxx2jp +7, wavedash +9, Zero Angel +36, Dottboy +10, mad_savior +9, NeBuR1997 +5, danixxx +30, jaylou1010 +8, deuce22 -10, and 4 more...
Base +60, grumpymal +29, blagblag +7, Anonymous777 +8, nhjm449 +8, Watcher-D +10, bakatori +13, jikkoz +13, Capi duffman +8, Demosthenes +11, laurplay +9, Lakota +6, Amuro1X +8, and 32 more...
Posted on 11 April 2012, 22:26 by:
Epion09 Score
Base +14, deuce22 -10, Demosthenes -11, Killer_Kittens_Klub -8, rr123 -10, Lynuseru -5, charly4994 -7, gweh -15, Crimson Savior -6, BehZee -7