Base +6, Natsam +8, Angel Xtreme +9, Nights002 +6, Ahsab +12, JRockefeller +8, Incest1234 +7, ArchetypE93 +4, Leo Showtopper +9, ilovethishit +2, etothex +24, randomperson1 +7, wertweet +8, and 2 more...
Posted on 16 April 2012, 01:25 by:
Riyin Score
Base +8, Gitami +11, Natsam +8, BaBeDall +9, Zero Angel +36, bagiaaa +8, danixxx +30, Nights002 +6, JRockefeller +7, elgigante +6, Incest1234 +7, ArchetypE93 +4, Supergang +18, and 1 more...
Posted on 16 April 2012, 02:01 by:
Coma Score
Base +17, Angel Xtreme +9, Zero Angel +36, danixxx +30, Nights002 +6, Ahsab +12, JRockefeller +7, Incest1234 +7, ArchetypE93 +4, IceFish +7, Leo Showtopper +9, bigdemon123 +9, Supermamado +7, and 6 more...
Base +7, Nights002 +6, Ahsab +12, JRockefeller +8, Incest1234 +7, Otaku_King +7, ilovethishit +2, m42a +12, randomperson1 +7, EZSPECIAL +4, Atmoz +7, CrossD +6, Ooe Kintarou +2
Base +7, Nights002 +6, blood racer +8, Incest1234 +7, randomperson1 +7, yia794593 +5, wertweet +8, KrystalKross23 +5
Posted on 17 April 2012, 07:27 by:
ZeN69 Score
Base +7, Nights002 +6, Incest1234 +7, randomperson1 +7, wertweet +8
Base +2, Nights002 +6, Incest1234 +7, Csumyee +7, Otaku_King +7
Posted on 07 July 2012, 17:34 by:
N00dL3s Score
Base +8