Posted on 17 April 2012, 18:00 by:
Voldoxdp Score
Base +8, treefolk +7, petalferrous +7, Yoshai +8, RorzWhoop +6, Sock-Chan -6, Invisibull Girl +5, DarkNero6668 +9, trolling.fag +8, chow.nom.nom +6, UpurS -9, Rob3rt -11, carrack +10, and 25 more...
Base +13, Rob3rt +11, carrack +10, Tesxy -21, mustardpie +18, jaylou1010 +8, raven8 +7, hujiko555 -9, Tyler Kaneda +5, Arzial +6
Base +10, Rob3rt +11, jaylou1010 +8, raven8 +7, hujiko555 -9
Base +23, AnalJohn +4, 199212 +3, loganso +10, zzyzzyxx +10, Apocalypse Horsemen +19, JoboKin +8, UpurS +9, jaylou1010 +8, raven8 +7, danixxx +30, Kaosumx +18, Bel_King +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 17 April 2012, 21:21 by:
Dodsferd Score
Base +8, --onix-- +1, ShadowSol -6, hujiko555 +9, titoloco -8, Whiplash -8, Frostyfire -6, Syt -9, that_guy_over_there -6, simplesimon32 -28
Base +8, mustardpie -18, loganso -10, ShadowSol -6, tri_dead_91489 -7, Frostyfire -6, Jitsu2 -25, that_guy_over_there -6, simplesimon32 -28
Posted on 18 April 2012, 03:04 by:
Dflowen Score
Base +8, Taco_maker_412 +9, hujiko555 +9, Tyler Kaneda +5, Arzial +6
Base +6, raven8 -7, ShadowSol -6, Taco_maker_412 -9, hujiko555 +9, awesgsdg -9, BFMV_42 -8, Whiplash -8, Frostyfire -6, elgringo -25, that_guy_over_there -6, simplesimon32 -28
Base +8, hujiko555 -9, iStatus +8, BDG420 -7
Base +5, hujiko555 -9, iStatus +8, Marupinku -8, BFMV_42 +8, Whiplash +8, Pr0n Glutton +9, deprece8 +7, Jitsu2 +25, BDG420 -7, ehuehuehueh +8
Posted on 25 August 2012, 02:58 by:
kano69 Score
Base +7, BDG420 -7
Posted on 11 October 2012, 11:54 by:
Growl Score
Base +7, BDG420 -7
Posted on 02 September 2017, 02:51 by:
beta_bb Score
Base +1