Base +10, Tomcat99 +8, ntiger -8, djriot +4, BUR +11, Traklar +7, pan_Mikolaj +1, grendelrose -8, shrouticus -6, istle +9, Rangiky +4, Preetine -1, wotan -6, and 4 more...
Posted on 12 May 2012, 11:42 by:
iphap Score
Base +7, grendelrose -8, shrouticus -6, Rangiky -4, Preetine -1, yaoiboi -5, Bud_1911 -5, n667 -1, molten1 -7, DarkKuroi -13, marwilny -6
Posted on 12 May 2012, 15:08 by:
Wind-Pet Score
Base +6, grendelrose +8, vyrot -8, shrouticus -6, xmmmq -4, name2222222 +10, istle +9, Rangiky +4, Phiehgschieh -1, Femicide -1, cheon -7, Preetine -1, furyeh +9, and 15 more...