sequel to scale model 1, typeset by yours truly some kind anon translated it in a thread the other day, so i decided to go ahead and typeset it and upload it
Chapter 1 has been translated, someone dumped it in the same thread they dumped these raws in, but apparently it hasn't been uploaded here. I'll see if I can find it.
Base +1, Hentaiguy25 +5, jaylou1010 +8, ArchetypE93 +3
Original cleanerfag from the translation thread here. The reason no one's uploaded chapter 1 is because the translation and editing were poor in general, even labeling the chapter as Nonscale instead of Scale Model. If you want it, here it is:
Also, I would like to point out I did finish typesetting it shortly after the thread died, and even posted a download link in the archive like I said I would if the thread died, even noting the untranslated line on page 13 and translating it myself. Sadly, no one cared. Regardless, I still need to get around to Scanning Nonscale (the short story collection by Mebae, not the first chapter of this) for higher quality anyway.
What's up with these over-dramatic conclusions that lead up to these sweet endings? It's just mood whiplash, and it's so damn popular now. Just give me the ending, you don't need to build up all this fake tension. "OMG, will she be turned back to normal or become a tree?!?! Oh wait, yeah, she's normal. Didn't see that coming..."