Posted on 22 May 2012, 21:08
Posted on 22 May 2012, 21:16 by:
Ratch Score
Base +11, dialman +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +9, heLecer +9, blood racer +8, kalim +5, SRK Yun +13, tonbery +10, Anony12788 +10, Kisses +8, Oscuro +5, Rockstopper +6, The Dream Chaser +7, and 98 more...
Posted on 22 May 2012, 21:28 by:
nabusco Score
Base +7, blood racer +8, kalim +5, Supermamado +6, SRK Yun +13, lordofevilcr +9, tonbery +10, The Dream Chaser +7, Diarea +8, catdrag0n +5, EdoubleT +7, joseph joestar +13, dragon_fiend +7, and 55 more...
Posted on 22 May 2012, 21:37 by:
buhssuht Score
Base +6, amt -7, deuce22 -10, joseph joestar +13, dragon_fiend +7, Millennial +8, hunterjr90 +11, kurono +13, racoonieboy -7, Grant +8, Hakkadaioheddo +9, danixxx +30, ArchetypE93 +2, and 14 more...
Posted on 23 May 2012, 17:24 by:
Palaxius Score
Base +7, joseph joestar +13, dragon_fiend +7, hunterjr90 +11, raiden18 +5, ArchetypE93 +2, Dottboy +15, Ahsab +12, InsaneCheese +9, jaylou1010 +8, soontace +8, IExistHere +3, Yuneday +5, and 2 more...
Base +11, jacksonville +18, cilbi +7, EdoubleT +7, TempRarity +7, CreeperClaw +10, Atmoz +3, saudre +3, oxid69 +9, hermit20 +7, hunterjr90 +11, Daemor_drow +8, Bobby Kotick +6, and 24 more...
Base +7, EdoubleT +7, joseph joestar +13, dragon_fiend +7, Atmoz +3, Kenzaki Kazuma +12, hunterjr90 +11, Hakkadaioheddo +9, danixxx +30, ArchetypE93 +2, Dottboy +15, Ahsab +12, InsaneCheese +9, and 7 more...
Posted on 23 May 2012, 01:03 by:
gandexf4 Score
Base +6, deuce22 +10, joseph joestar +13, Atmoz +3, Kenzaki Kazuma +12, hermit20 +7, hunterjr90 +11, grumpymal +29, mojomunkeez +14, Randomguy664 +10, Kanuro5 +7, Grant +8, Hakkadaioheddo +9, and 27 more...
Posted on 23 May 2012, 01:31 by:
RakShine Score
Base +10, joseph joestar +13, dragon_fiend +7, Atmoz +3, altereggo +20, grumpymal +29, mojomunkeez +14, Randomguy664 +10, Kanuro5 +7, Hakkadaioheddo +9, danixxx +30, marc455 +9, ArchetypE93 +2, and 20 more...
Posted on 23 May 2012, 01:49 by:
kax Score
Base +8, dragon_fiend +7, altereggo +20, mojomunkeez +14, Randomguy664 +10, Hakkadaioheddo +9, danixxx +30, ArchetypE93 +2, ThanatosNebula76 +9, Ahsab +12, vouz -4, InsaneCheese +9, Summergraffiti +7, and 6 more...
Base +9, mojomunkeez +14, Kanuro5 +7, ArchetypE93 +2, Ahsab +12, InsaneCheese +9, jaylou1010 +8, PhantomRenegade +12, JakeRowling +7, IExistHere +3, oneforce +9, MechWarriorNY +6, Kuro Yuuki +3, and 4 more...
Base +9, Red_Vodka -9, Paptimus Scirocco -5, Ahsab -12, kooko -6, generickitty -8, Kuro Yuuki -3, Yuneday -5, Gahasa -16, Ooe Kintarou -3, Encuilion -6, EechHff -11, Jmsrthrfrd -4
Base +6, Ahsab +12, IExistHere +3
Base +8, IExistHere +3, oneforce +9, MechWarriorNY +6
Base +6, Ahsab +12, jaylou1010 +8, IExistHere +3, MechWarriorNY +6, Kuro Yuuki +3, Ooe Kintarou +3, McWeaksaucey +3, ColdhardSilver +6
Base +2, generickitty +8, Tagapilay +5, jackj1909 +7, Yuneday +5, EechHff +11
Posted on 01 September 2012, 22:50 by:
Hecatom Score
Base +17, IExistHere +3, Living2die +1, Yuneday +5, Ooe Kintarou +3, McWeaksaucey +3, LokiFox +3
Base +2, Kuro Yuuki +3, CyborgSamurai +6
Posted on 08 February 2015, 07:38 by:
KumagawaM Score
Base +5