Posted on 28 May 2012, 05:46 by:
Eckin Score
Base +11, mugen_darkness -12, Rob3rt +11, DaRuler -14, StillWind -8, roflcake -7, 3dog -8, neckbreak -11, kanekalon +4, Sally Seduction +9, shadowkazumanic -6, ManlyMustacheMan -6, ScarletRain -7, and 8 more...
Posted on 31 May 2012, 15:21 by:
Axl666 Score
Base +10, anon13058264641177 +2, Rob3rt +11, edson +14, Jeanne d'Arc +14, DaRuler +14, 3dog -8, TrafficAccident +1, jaylou1010 +8, 69flavors +6, CreatorGX +9, WootMannen +9, Mihaxy +6, and 9 more...
Base +10, wyredstarryn +9, jaylou1010 +8, haseo75010 +7, flashpanty +9, themeless +6, AUb +10, Arkanfel3rd -9, observer1980 +22, scrappy135 +7, Rokinshi +6, GOMENASAI12 +6, bachelorettefrog +6, and 2 more...
Base +2, wanna -27, qwopqwop -9, 3dog -8, StillWind -13, neckbreak -11, bachelorettefrog -6, absolugom -7, kishudark -6
Base +9, 3dog -8, neckbreak -11, observer1980 +22, bachelorettefrog +6
Base +7, 3dog -8, StillWind -9, themeless -6, supermegachicken -5, neckbreak -11, ScarletRain -7, Vlad_Implier -6, fectylf-panda -2, kishudark -6
Posted on 06 August 2012, 22:31 by:
Kaygeebee Score
Base +7, observer1980 +22, kishudark -6
Posted on 22 August 2012, 15:52 by:
acepr0 Score
Base +2, observer1980 +22
Posted on 27 August 2012, 15:55 by:
vial Score
Base +7, DarthVantos +5, neckbreak +11, AUb +10, observer1980 +22, flpbm +8, fectylf-panda +2, bachelorettefrog +6, kishudark +6
Posted on 09 November 2012, 07:29 by:
Noble Score
Base +9, Crimson13 +9, observer1980 +22, NickTheRiddler +8, Bomb Square +6, Bab The Great +2, flpbm +8, MuraMua +1, timbus +12, violenceman96 +8, bachelorettefrog -6, MkFilipe +6
Posted on 01 January 2013, 15:59 by:
Mister H Score
Base +5, observer1980 +22, PikachuMittins -2, timbus +12
Base +7, observer1980 +22
Base +8, Bomb Square +6, Paizurikin +8, isnotjustapervert +6, mogekokoko +6, bachelorettefrog -6
Posted on 04 September 2015, 13:57 by:
ex4ndor Score
Base +1, bachelorettefrog +6
Posted on 03 June 2016, 09:07 by:
Base +6, Advance-kun +6, ghost23345 +6
Base +4, Vlad_Implier +6, SolusSama -4, zozof +8, bachelorettefrog +6
Base +7, timbus +12, bachelorettefrog +6
Base +1, bachelorettefrog +6