Base +8, Zeku +8, Yosh_ +8, Ikonos +4, Dragon Writer +8, scorpianpp +21, MegaEvilPenguin +4, starhunter67 +9, Kronos205 +5, bassfu +7, Sushilicious +31, anon13058264641177 +2, Zero Angel +36, and 21 more...
Base +16, AlanB +7, shrike13 -10, Sushilicious +31, observer1980 +22, danixxx +30, pingas007 +6, Ikonos +5, Krugger +7, Zedon0007 +8, Liana333 +6, Codeine +5, Fenrirdies -8, and 5 more...
Base +6, Dragon Writer +8, starhunter67 -9, Sushilicious +31, Liana333 +6, catfacecatfacecat -2, Fenrirdies -8, stabbybelkar +7, weigazod +9, ZSe-chan +8
Base +13, Masterfuck77 +7, shrike13 -10, Sushilicious +31, observer1980 +22, danixxx +30, spirited away +8, Robbeh -7, Fenrirdies -8, soifonfan15 +6, ZSe-chan +8
Base +9, Sushilicious -31, CapnCorvus -5, Frystix -5, stabbybelkar -7, Pierzak -6
Base +5, Sushilicious +31, Fenrirdies -8, stabbybelkar +7, ZSe-chan +8
Posted on 01 June 2012, 04:26 by:
kingwolf Score
Base +21, 3dd +6, Sushilicious +31, anon13058264641177 +2, danixxx +30, Liana333 +6, pingas007 +6, Idontknowaname +3, CapnCorvus +5, Codeine +5, HairyBalls +5, Robbeh +7, Fenrirdies -8, and 6 more...
Base +30, Sushilicious -31, anon13058264641177 -2, scorpianpp +21, dotSeed -7, Zeku -8, shadowspark +6, Dragon Writer -8, myznhymr -8, stabbybelkar +7
Posted on 03 June 2012, 04:27 by:
vitono Score
Base +7, Dragon Writer +8, MexicanMau +1, Fenrirdies -8
Posted on 05 June 2012, 01:46 by:
Dokoh22 Score
Base +6, Fenrirdies -8
Posted on 13 August 2021, 21:03 by:
Lis_Kozzy Score
Base +9