Posted on 09 June 2012, 07:00 by:
Den120 Posted on 09 June 2012, 12:26 by:
jzohach Score
Base +6, Sessha +2, HodorHodor -3, HerpusD +7, Chips Handon +8, Dottboy +18, Satoshi。。。 +13, cokerpilot -8, hotdiabling +6, Koutah +8, twentyboners -6, Inconspicuous user +6, Sotodashi -6, and 8 more...
Base +7, HodorHodor +3, Chips Handon -8, Dottboy -18, hotdiabling -6, Koutah +8, Levithius +4, twentyboners +6, Pafrog -9, Inconspicuous user -6, prin9000 -6, Kyoshize +6, GGS +8, and 4 more...
Posted on 11 June 2012, 21:27 by:
amuass Score
Base +7, Chips Handon -8, maleh -12, hotdiabling -6, Koutah -8, yukkurikeeper -4, twentyboners +6, Pafrog -9, Kyoshize +6, GGS +8, 20boners +6, zxwecrt -8, Xpects -6, and 2 more...
Posted on 27 July 2012, 02:10 by:
chuchuke Score
Base +10, HodorHodor +4, twentyboners +6, Inconspicuous user -6, peksman +1, kserox +21, Kyoshize +6, GGS +8, myhowdreadful -5, 20boners +6
Base +6, twentyboners -6, Inconspicuous user -6, Kyoshize -6, 20boners -6, zxwecrt +8
Posted on 24 October 2012, 18:15 by:
Vilban Score
Base +2, twentyboners -6, Inconspicuous user +6, George642 +7, Chips Handon +6, bigmak +6, myhowdreadful +5, 20boners +6, Dick Richards +6
Base +6, kserox +21, Kyoshize +6, 20boners +6, Xpects -6
Posted on 20 November 2014, 12:35 by:
veechan55 Score
Base +6, Kyoshize +6, 20boners +6, HodorHodor +7
Posted on 09 April 2016, 13:39 by:
sofienb Score
Base +4