Base +11, ArchetypE93 +4, WLyon +28, Moe Zayik +27, grumpymal +30, Megaton +9, danixxx +30, cAntW0 +7, Zelinko +11, jaylou1010 +9, sradu86 +7
Base +11, Hentaiguy25 +5, grumpymal +30, Megaton +9, asdeker +9, Ghostface211 +9, S0B +15, danixxx +30, cAntW0 +7, Zelinko +11, jaylou1010 +9, new_guy +6, the dru one +8, and 3 more...
Base +6, Baneslave -7, Co250 -4, huipizdagovno -4, asxr -26, Watari-kun -11, b2627914 -5, Rouge・ -30, Phantazma Noir -5
Posted on 15 June 2012, 06:08 by:
dap00 Score
Base +26, asdeker +9, ernie12 +13, danixxx +30, cAntW0 +7, Iron Clad Granite +8, jaylou1010 +9, Knocks +3, ThanatosNebula76 +9, b2627914 +5, Zelinko +12, dolphinslow +23, Kona-chan +9
Posted on 15 December 2012, 15:54 by:
Yawndere Score
Base +2, b2627914 +5, sradu86 +7, Zombie-sama1577 +5, Phantazma Noir +5