Base +9, Aaron.Y +22, MakotoIrving +6, Ikonos +5, giygaskiller +8, Dulei +8, Diablo +10, axaxax +19, jaylou1010 +9, rabbitrush +6, Domius1245 +6, XxDroidxX +7, flamedance58 +10, and 5 more...
Posted on 18 June 2012, 00:28 by:
toygame3 Score
Base +6, Nearphotison +7
Base +6, Giangiotto +8, jaylou1010 +9, marki-t +3, FemaleHunter +3
Base +8, Giangiotto -8, Nearphotison +7
Posted on 19 June 2012, 01:05 by:
bex Score
Base +9, bigbigman121 -8
Base +8, Nearphotison -7, Schroedinger -8, FemaleHunter -3, The Inker -8
Base +8, Masteryasha -1, Nearphotison -7, The Inker -8, Schroedinger -8, FemaleHunter -3