Base +14, Zero Angel +36, Zelinko +11, Akkio +12, CreeperClaw +10, bagiaaa +9, cAntW0 +7, asdfmovies +5, Squall Brea +16, hatsue21 +4, catdrag0n +11, danixxx +31, Incantation +2, and 11 more...
Base +6, techy00 -7, Zelinko +11, Dark Mac +16, Sushilicious +31, toravisu +9, iliekmudkips +5, jaylou1010 +9, s0ulkill8r +31, Kona-chan +9, hatsue21 -6, OrangeDude +6, The Inker -8, and 2 more...
Base +11, Man on the 3up +7, megaok +9, Zyklon Bee +6, Megaten_Albert +5, Keltzar +6
Base +23, Paimonia +8, EonLeader +5, Zyklon Bee +6, Keltzar +6
Posted on 25 August 2013, 02:55 by:
Railander Score
Base +15