Base +4, hunterjr90 +10, nowhere_man +9, xpacbad +6, bigstew00 +3, Xakep +14, jaylou1010 +6, jismen7 +8, Shibun +9, guy11 +9, dogma +9, danixxx +30, StillWind +6, and 4 more...
Base +3, jaylou1010 +6, Kantzakolt +8, Capi duffman +7, BonneTron +6, lowlevel +8, fine17 +5, Poor Harold +3, dogma +9, HodorHodor +2, 7hatGuy +11, catdrag0n +13, dsax +27, and 2 more...
Base +8, Inuyoukai +1, dogma +9, OP444 +7, StillWind -6, ernie12 -13
Posted on 17 July 2012, 07:50 by:
kitsuneH Score
Base +15, ernie12 +13, as102 +9, 10tonbrick +6
Posted on 23 December 2013, 16:55 by:
nand)dude Score
Base +4