Base +8, Kaoshammer +8, jaylou1010 +8, Igotbigdick +7, Moe Zayik +27, dsax +27, observer1980 +23, shadows_kami +6, dante9394 +14, catdrag0n +13, Giono +10, master_wanker +1, confusedlife +9, and 1 more...
Base +29, Picksbro +6, yoyo546 +22, Kaoshammer +8, Ace-Angel +9, Zaolao +7, Igotbigdick +7, XyDivineyX +8, taiji +8, danixxx +30, Moe Zayik +27, dsax +27, kaluak +10, and 17 more...
Base +6, sarofa -14, s14y3d -9, dante9394 -14, danixxx -31, confusedlife -9
Base +2, neokirby +10, shadows_kami +6, s14y3d +9, hanselgretel7110 +6, confusedlife +9, Joeycrab +1
Posted on 28 May 2012, 22:35 by:
rcz--- Score
Base +3, neokirby +10, shadows_kami +6, s14y3d +9, confusedlife -9
Base +3, Freudian Slip +4, Kaoshammer -8, Ace-Angel -9, nww +6, Zaolao -7, vashuul +9, kingwolf -21, anoguera -7, danixxx -30, reversibel -5, sunshineandlolipops -4, marcko -8, and 6 more...
Base +12, MefistoMonster +10, anoguera +7, shadows_kami +6, electric_city +8, s14y3d +9, confusedlife +9
Base +2, sarofa -14, s14y3d +9, nww -6, dante9394 -14, danixxx -31, confusedlife -9
Base +5, confusedlife +9, Huehue2 +7
Posted on 06 July 2012, 19:40 by:
ministep Score
Base +6, bigbigman121 -8, confusedlife -9, Huehue2 -7
Base +6, confusedlife -9, Huehue2 -7
Base +8, confusedlife -9, Huehue2 -7