Posted on 21 July 2012, 12:27 by:
SlyZero Score
Base +9, Rockstopper -7, Ejastik -7, Bedlam11 +8, popcorn99 -5, Fellg -4, Hyoros -14
Base +7, Red_Vodka +10, SCSS +7, thefourkingdoms +12, Planeswalker817 +11, swedish_kitsune +8, Rockstopper -7, Zero Angel +36, Ejastik +7, grumpymal +30, Ahsab +12, Demosthenes +12, Oscuro +6, and 15 more...
Posted on 21 July 2012, 13:10 by:
JD13 Score
Base +6, PhantomRenegade +14, Bedlam11 +8, Angel Xtreme +10, jaylou1010 +9
Base +14, leftforlife -6, Vivi1993 -12, Hyoros -14
Posted on 21 July 2012, 16:01 by:
rpgman1 Score
Base +20, Ahsab +12, danixxx +31, Angel Xtreme +10, jaylou1010 +9, Crimsoncharcoal +7
Posted on 21 July 2012, 18:12 by:
Ratch Score
Base +12
Base +7, PhantomRenegade +14, freij +8, grumpymal +30, Oscuro +6, danixxx +31, dsax +27, jaylou1010 +9, Romi the Byzantine +6, Red_Vodka +11, Crimsoncharcoal +7, WinManJack +6, renoir +7, and 1 more...
Base +8, PhantomRenegade +14, jaylou1010 +9, Crimsoncharcoal +7
Base +11, grumpymal +30, Ahsab +12, danixxx +31, PhantomRenegade +14, dsax +27, jaylou1010 +9, junhezhin +6, Crimsoncharcoal +7
Posted on 30 January 2013, 11:40 by:
Choutas Score
Base +8
Base +6, WarMonger +11, Hyoros -14