je suis pas bon en anglais je fait pas mal de faut en francais .desoler je suis un gros dislexique le mec qui m'aider a traduir le francais a l'anglais donne aucune signe de vie. je suis dans le caca
4: I hoped for a greater reward, master. Silence, dog. I'll teach you to stay in your place, sex slave.
5: You asked for us? Hello. Hello, wait, you're not the psychoanalyst that I saw the other time?
Translation of "31 July 2012, 05:21 UTC by: grosbille":
I'm not very good in English. I make lots of mistakes in French. Sorry, I'm a huge dyslexic. The guy who helped to translate the French to English shows no sign of life. I'm up shit creek.