Base +10, Sushilicious +31, widowchaser +6, cloudbill +7, Kyshatriya +7, Warfox +8, danixxx +31, Zarx +10, malgod +5, Krugger +7, ABDC +2, dsax +27, ArchetypE93 +4, and 36 more...
Posted on 31 July 2012, 23:46 by:
-Hevil- Score
Base +4, Sushilicious +31, Kyshatriya +7, Prout prout +7, danixxx +31, malgod +5, dsax +27, ArchetypE93 +4, Finbastard +9, KumagawaM +5, itsukikoi +8, MechWarriorNY +7, D00med +2, and 10 more...
Posted on 31 July 2012, 23:49 by:
SRK Yun Score
Base +14, Zaolao +7, Sushilicious +31, psaid2131 +15, Msyter +8, widowchaser +6, Jack Rakan +7, Ejastik +7, johnny009ner +7, Insectdevil +8, Oscuro +6, MADARA-TAKA2 +7, FO-Bakayarou +8, and 122 more...
Base +5, psaid2131 +15, Enki17 +10, Ejastik +7, cAntW0 +8, Kyshatriya +7, Zero Angel +36, danixxx +31, Zarx +10, Rockstopper +7, highenergyboy +9, malgod +5, S0B +15, and 78 more...
Posted on 01 August 2012, 00:49 by:
Palaxius Score
Base +8, psaid2131 +15, Kyshatriya +7, Zarx +10, Aerodynamite +4, Enki17 +10, ilovethishit +2, MANTOR562 +8, NinjaM +13, raposazul +10, Finbastard +9, RyogoTM +11, Takepyon +4, and 43 more...
Posted on 01 August 2012, 00:03 by:
DJjames Score
Base +9, Zarx +10, Chips Handon +8, Enki17 +10, KumagawaM +5, itsukikoi +8, wiltedweed7 +2, nighthero7 +10, Ooe Kintarou +2, war15 +8, Hakrei +26, MechWarriorNY +9, sir_gamer +6
Posted on 01 August 2012, 01:16 by:
Foudesexe Score
Base +5, Enki17 +10, Ejastik +7, Oscuro +6, atlascranga +5, MADARA-TAKA2 +7, CaFe-Nii +7, ernie12 +14, cAntW0 +8, Kyshatriya +7, pyroo +8, Zero Angel +36, danixxx +31, and 86 more...
Posted on 01 August 2012, 01:39 by:
sekirei07 Score
Base +26, Prolixe +1, Enki17 +10, insonsic +10, ENHfaithful +2, raposazul +10, Finbastard +9, Tr2n +10, itsukikoi +8, MechWarriorNY +7, shuntensatsu +12, Cybe +2, nighthero7 +10, and 7 more...
Base +11, Brego1 +5, Romi the Byzantine +6, Chips Handon -8
Posted on 01 August 2012, 05:35 by:
grumpymal Score
Base +30, S0B +15, ArchetypE93 +4, Enki17 +10, ilovethishit +2, Finbastard +9, MechWarriorNY +6, itsukikoi +8, strawtea +4, Cybe +2, fatbro +4, SciFiMisc +5, Hakrei +26, and 2 more...
Posted on 01 August 2012, 16:05 by:
penislord Score
Base +6, Famenag +10, RyogoTM +11, Avera +10, andrewss +6, MechWarriorNY +6, Finbastard +5, Gh1 +4, itsukikoi +8, NaniKuro +6, Cybe +2, nighthero7 +10, MobileCrusader +4, and 16 more...
Posted on 03 August 2012, 02:15 by:
smartz118 Score
Base +5, protoman9012 +10, Anony12788 +13, raposazul +10, Finbastard +9, Avera +10, Obisan +6, Gh1 +4, arseburgers +6, KumagawaM +5, itsukikoi +8, Chrys0k0ll +3, MechWarriorNY +7, and 23 more...
Base +3, Chips Handon -8, looon -14, homogenized -10, protoman9012 -10, CaptainKuro -7, fillin -6, KumagawaM -5, waltergeist -8, xecofi -6, NaniKuro -6, war15 -8, Hyoros -13, and 1 more...
Base +31, Enki17 +10, swordpaladin +9
Posted on 12 September 2012, 12:10 by:
Nitramy Score
Base +1, iamclu -7, Ed Should Be In Bed -3, Pillowgirl +15, fillin +6, andrewss +6, catBARON +3, Finbastard +5, Gh1 +4, MechWarriorNY +7, Vivi1993 +2, HamburgerHelper +6, MobileCrusader +4, and 6 more...
Posted on 03 December 2012, 19:19 by:
D u b b y Score
Base +11, Flammz +6, Anony12788 +13, Finbastard +9, maeschder -7, Acerola +9, CalTheDrummer +7, MechWarriorNY +7, Cybe +2, nighthero7 +10, SciFiMisc +5, ColdhardSilver +6, Tsukigomori +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 06 October 2013, 12:54 by:
Knocks Score
Base +6, andrewss +6, MechWarriorNY +6, catBARON +3, iamclu +6, anonasdfanon +3, MonoMonocle +8, Finbastard +5, Onidiablo +6, arseburgers +6, flamberge +7, KumagawaM +5, astrohydra +6, and 28 more...
Base +4, catBARON +3, Pillowgirl +18, Finbastard +5, Incantation +6, strawtea +4, NaniKuro +6, DreamerZero +6, ALHQ51 +4, SciFiMisc +5, gotee +6, ThreeFingerG +6, MechWarriorNY +10
Posted on 08 July 2014, 09:54 by:
Exxeld Score
Base +6, Finbastard +5, KumagawaM -5, waltergeist -8, ynitsed +6, nighthero7 +10
Posted on 25 January 2015, 19:07 by:
i_r_ecchi Score
Base +7, ybbpi11 +7, Boxcar Joe +5, KumagawaM -5, xvxxvxxvx +6, CalTheDrummer +7, OmniO +6, Vivi1993 +2, AceDazed +5, eddyez +6, wiltedweed7 +2, Cybe +2, nighthero7 +10, and 18 more...
Base +6, NaniKuro +6, nighthero7 +10, MechWarriorNY +9
Base +6, NaniKuro +6, wiltedweed7 +2, nighthero7 +10, IndistinctCredence +5, MechWarriorNY +10
Posted on 06 July 2015, 05:04 by:
Drax Score
Base +8, Vivi1993 +2, nighthero7 +10, MobileCrusader +4, nameress +6, GGS +10, SciFiMisc +5, Gabs999 +6, caly +6, Rail vehicle fan +6, MechWarriorNY +10, thaysd +6
Base +1, LeisureLarry -5, SciFiMisc +5, Publix Hair +6
Base +9, nighthero7 +11, war15 +8, CalTheDrummer +8, MechWarriorNY +9
Posted on 29 March 2017, 18:08 by:
moeeno Score
Base +3, CalTheDrummer +8, Gabs999 +6, MechWarriorNY +9
Base +6, whade -6, Gabs999 +6
Base +8, Tsukigomori +6, gotee +6, MechWarriorNY +9, KouGee +6, Unreal 434 +6
Posted on 31 August 2019, 13:21 by:
fiamole Score
Base +7, MechWarriorNY +10