Oh My Goddess If Vol 6 (English scanslation with Japanese original)
Doujin group: Tenchugumi
If Vol 6 is an all-Skuld issue that I translated after doing If 2 and 3 back in 1999/2000. My thinking back then was that almost all the scanned OMG doujin available on usenet and I-net were all Belldandy stories, so I skipped ahead and did this one.
Skuld's Great Ordeal: Because of a shortage of energy, Skuld had grown older, while Urd turned into a child. Keiichi has to make moonstones to reverse the process. But an adult Skuld becomes too much for him when he gets to the lab. Or maybe he's too much for her?
This one has a hilarious ending.
Both the English and Japanese are included in this gallery. With a side-by-side, you can see how much work goes into cleanup and improving the images. Again, the translation is pretty amateur compared to recent English scanslations. The scanslated issue is cleaned up, de-moired and uncensored. Ironically, I scanslated If 2/3/9/2000 back then and a couple years later my HD crashed and I couldn't find them anywhere else but on paysites. Now I cannot find them anywhere, but they're out there. If I do find them, I'll post them up for you.