Posted on 09 August 2012, 23:35 by:
Revey Score
Base +5, Insectdevil +8, Xiara +8, Palaxius +10, podo0201 +8, Zaolao +7, joseph joestar -15, jaylou1010 +9, MeowMeowMeow +9, Enki17 +11, sigma25 +6, theunseenone +2, Finbastard +9, and 21 more...
Posted on 10 August 2012, 03:17 by:
kax Score
Base +8, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, Palaxius +10, Zaolao +7, theunseenone +2, jeren_sky +12, Ice_Cream +10, MechWarriorNY +7, cookiegetter +6, Cybe +6, bigscuba +3
Base +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, Palaxius +10, jaylou1010 +9, MechWarriorNY +7, LeisureLarry +5, bigscuba +3
Posted on 10 August 2012, 00:35 by:
nabusco Score
Base +7, Palaxius +10, Zaolao +7, danixxx +31, hentailover121 +7, jaylou1010 +9, sgc_geh +10, Enki17 +11, sigma25 +6, theunseenone +2, Finbastard +9, Gh1 +4, Findmeanaxe +5, and 7 more...
Posted on 10 August 2012, 00:49 by:
retrox Score
Base +5, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, grig14 +8, Zaolao +7, jaylou1010 +9, sigma25 +6, jeren_sky +12, Finbastard +9, MechWarriorNY +7, Ooe Kintarou +2, FemaleHunter +5, Hakrei +26, bigscuba +3
Base +8, Palaxius +10, RakShine +10, Zaolao +7, grumpymal +30, TheRighteousRepublic +7, Piner +6, Flammz +6, plahplah +4, SRK Yun +14, MB007 +9, danixxx +31, Vilban +1, and 29 more...
Posted on 10 August 2012, 02:13 by:
Ratch Score
Base +12, Palaxius +10, Zaolao +7, Flammz +6, jeren_sky +12, Pillowgirl +18, Finbastard +5, MechWarriorNY +7, Ooe Kintarou +2, Hakrei +26, Hyoros +12, bigscuba +3
Posted on 10 August 2012, 07:55 by:
smartz118 Score
Base +5, Palaxius +10, highenergyboy +9, Morik432 +7, MANTOR562 +8, wertweet +10, Finbastard +5, MechWarriorNY +7, FemaleHunter +5, Charlie1908 +5, bigscuba +3
Base +3, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, Palaxius +10, Morik432 +7, jaylou1010 +9, theunseenone +2, jeren_sky +12, Finbastard +9, MechWarriorNY +7, Ooe Kintarou +2, FemaleHunter +5, Hakrei +26, bigscuba +3
Base +10, Palaxius +10, GWright +4, Finbastard +5, MechWarriorNY +7, bigscuba +3
Base +8, Palaxius +10, raiden18 +6, homogenized +10, jaylou1010 +9, elda88 +14, dsax +27, ilovethishit +2, MANTOR562 +8, Enki17 +11, sigma25 +6, theunseenone +2, jeren_sky +12, and 21 more...
Base +6, GreenWisp +5, bigscuba +3