Posted on 16 August 2012, 13:35 by:
Anonygoo Score
Base +17, pop9 -44, Bunker Buster +26, Graus +20, altereggo +21, Ensei Sohryu +9, Kudowafu +17, Icerock +14, Cy48 +5, airhead +14, yoyo546 +23, chiba masato +11, SCSS +7, and 40 more...
Posted on 16 August 2012, 13:13 by:
lolololal Score
Base +9, altereggo -21, StillWind -9, Tovler -9, nina60 +5, Denjiro -8, narujo -7, QTpie -6, shivering -6
Posted on 16 August 2012, 13:49 by:
BonneTron Score
Base +7, SD26 +7, Issue63 +6, Icerock +14, zzyzzyxx +16, airhead +14, NoNameNoBlame +28, SCSS +7, Nights002 +6, Ryoga87 +9, IMNC -4, Cultosaurus +4, danixxx +31, and 34 more...
Base +6, Master Fapper +6, Nights002 +6, IMNC +4, jaylou1010 +9, ☆Loli Police☆ +22, Urmean15 +9, LanikMueller -7, izwansafire +6, alkanos1234 +3, Kouji Kabuto +4, Havoc9000 +4, S-One +3, and 2 more...
Posted on 16 August 2012, 15:58 by:
Aystrum Score
Base +5, Aaron.Y +22, SCSS +7, Master Fapper +6, Nights002 +6, Doutey +1, IMNC -4, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, jaylou1010 +9, Urmean15 +9, hentailover121 +7, izwansafire +6, DarioEmpio +2, and 7 more...
Posted on 16 August 2012, 17:19 by:
BluMeino Score
Base +17, SCSS +7, Master Fapper +6, IMNC -4, Bomb Square +7, zzyzzyxx +16, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, jaylou1010 +9, guitar +8, GalaxyClip -7, AyakashiSKOM +5, Marisa Kirisame +8, Yumi Kashinokov +8, and 20 more...
Posted on 16 August 2012, 17:23 by:
loc0 Score
Base +7, Master Fapper +6, IMNC -4, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, jaylou1010 +9, izwansafire +6, DarioEmpio +2, Futaworldlover +5, Havoc9000 +4, S-One +3, Potheeeed +6, MACZ2021 +6
Posted on 16 August 2012, 17:42 by:
eset02 Score
Base +5, Master Fapper +6, Nights002 +6, Dydelhaert +9, IMNC -4, Fenrirdies -6, iWumbo +8, izwansafire +6, AyakashiSKOM +9, Havoc9000 +4, Potheeeed +3, S-One +3, Capuchuu +5, and 2 more...
Posted on 17 August 2012, 00:19 by:
Vilban Score
Base +2, IMNC +4, hentai86 +8, Cynic +10, jaylou1010 +9, 20200 +30, izwansafire +6, DarioEmpio +2, Havoc9000 +4, Potheeeed +3, S-One +3, MACZ2021 +6, PlayBoi Tiffany +3
Base +8, Forgotten logic +9, izwansafire +6, nina60 +5, Havoc9000 +4, S-One +3, MACZ2021 +6
Posted on 17 August 2012, 17:28 by:
Eromon Score
Base +7, izwansafire +6, hexaaaa +6, MACZ2021 +6
Posted on 24 August 2012, 07:32 by:
Donnyman Score
Base +6, izwansafire +6, Havoc9000 +4, MACZ2021 +6
Base +11, izwansafire +6, alkanos1234 +3, Havoc9000 +4, MACZ2021 +6
Base +7, izwansafire +6, Havoc9000 +4, MACZ2021 +6
Posted on 13 October 2012, 06:36 by:
witlol Score
Base +2, boarbaque -2, izwansafire +6, james_stark -2, Havoc9000 -4, amurec80 +5, MACZ2021 +6
Base +2, boarbaque +2, Dustfinger +10, izwansafire +6, DarioEmpio +2, deathknight621 +6, Imperial Sheep +6, Kouji Kabuto +4, Havoc9000 +4, amurec80 +5, dale69 +10, MACZ2021 +6
Base +3, MACZ2021 +6, PlayBoi Tiffany +3
Base +40, MACZ2021 +6, gansta +37, PlayBoi Tiffany +3