Base +8, XtReMer0ck +6, youngfolk -16, Palaxius -11, Gitami +11, cjlaffe -13, stratosphere +9, Gui Cogo -13, EvaOtaku07 -11, blood racer +8, danixxx -31, Ice Cream -30, HentaiJew +6, and 1 more...
Base +6, Gitami +11, stratosphere +9, blood racer +8, Master Fapper +6, +3
Posted on 17 August 2012, 15:43 by:
Base +8, Palaxius +11, Kudowafu -17, minato1 +6, NailB -18, blood racer -8, L0wk3y -1, stratosphere -9, Anomalious +9, Master Fapper +6, danixxx -31, -3, silverballz -6, and 1 more...
Base +14, NailB +18, JRockefeller +10, saltyanon +5, jaylou1010 +9, hondawhr -23
Base +9, xxx-04 +6, stratosphere +9, NailB +18, blood racer +8, Master Fapper +6, aiwotorimodose +24, saltyanon -5, jaylou1010 +9, hondawhr -23, 27455628 +7, HentaiJew +6
Posted on 17 August 2012, 17:15 by:
bombaryae Score
Base +6, Palaxius -11, xxx-04 +6, Kudowafu +17, stratosphere +9, NailB +18, blood racer +8, jaylou1010 +9, +1, HentaiJew +6
Base +8, EvaOtaku07 -11, blood racer -8, Palaxius -11, stratosphere -9, danixxx -31, KirbyDances -8, HentaiJew -6, NOBODY001 -7
Posted on 18 August 2012, 07:23 by:
dap00 Score
Base +27, Master Fapper +6, jaylou1010 +9
Posted on 18 August 2012, 19:06 by:
jashawn Score
Base +8, hahahanvm +11