Posted on 20 August 2012, 21:42 by:
Ace-Angel Score
Base +9, noeslolz +6, Tyrock +5, PREVERT +8, whasup +3, giygaskiller +8, Feckless-Git +4, Spring Heeled +10, JoHal +12, kukro +8, notorius +9, xylem +6, stemagno +8, and 14 more...
Posted on 20 August 2012, 22:31 by:
darkbadeo Score
Base +8, Dommol +5, Marilyn69 -9, Laharl_EAC -10, rockable -10, Nova64 -4, RARmaster -6, DarkMel -4, Riyu1940 -7
Posted on 20 August 2012, 23:12 by:
iMeHm3t Score
Base +6, Dommol +5, Marilyn69 +9, Laharl_EAC +10, Nova64 +4, Zemyih +5
Posted on 21 August 2012, 02:11 by:
Eckin Score
Base +12, darkhole1123 -7, Master Chen +6, Montaj +7, Dommol +5, Marilyn69 -9, Laharl_EAC -10, a10112 -6, Nova64 -4, RARmaster -6, DarkMel +4, Riyu1940 +7
Base +6, xylem +6, Montaj +7, Dommol +5, Marilyn69 +9, gixxian +8, Laharl_EAC +10, zaak2 +7, ThunderKurono +5, Nova64 +4, DarkMel +4, Garmore +6, mefast -10, and 5 more...