This might not be a popular opinion around these parts, but if you're having financial difficulties, you should probably focus on those before you give any attention to acquiring and putting up scans. It's not that I'm not grateful for all the content you've done already (believe me, I am) but you've got to ensure your financial well-being first.
But if he's doing commissions now it will pay for the stuff he uploads. And because we're paying money for them, we can choose what he uploads! *sinister face* If only he did translations to.
Instead of paying him why don't you support the author instead?
Base +5, daythi +7, Tribe +9, Darkpie9 +6
Posted on 01 September 2012, 02:18 by: bitcruncher
Score +24
If uploading scans is a means for the potential to create income flow (say, by reputation or recognition) then by all means continue to do it. Just be smart about it and never stop.
Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.