Posted on 02 May 2012, 16:20 by:
kusoman Score
Base +8, crodlu -1, rabbittroop -4, NemesisLives -8, juneon -8, in777 -9, Xenister -8, The Hollow Reaper -5, deed226 -9, Kiriax -10, MADARA-TAKA2 -7, heavenkiller -8, cgh -8, and 53 more...
Base +5, juneon +8, in777 +9, Xenister +8, Hayate.sp +10, Raidus +12, The Hollow Reaper +5, MADARA-TAKA2 +7, heavenkiller +8, SaittaMicus +15, Jaken Jragin +6, Sushilicious +31, shadyguy +7, and 41 more...
Posted on 01 May 2012, 20:37 by:
Troopman Score
Base +6, The Hollow Reaper +5, Jaken Jragin +6, Sushilicious +31, shadyguy +7, observer1980 +22, Devil-BORN +5, mightymouse +10, jaylou1010 +8, fine17 +5, marid +8, Hazai +14, vDen +9, and 9 more...
Posted on 01 May 2012, 21:44 by:
Red223 Score
Base +11, Jaken Jragin -6, Sushilicious +31, Chief Slapaho -7, falinx +9, Moku -9, in777 -9, observer1980 +22, Devil-BORN +5, mightymouse -10, Tovler -9, Hazai +14, vDen +9, and 13 more...
Base +9, Sushilicious +31, observer1980 +22, mightymouse +10, danixxx -30, jaylou1010 +8, marid -8, Maximum_Joe -31, DBNA_SD +1
Base +2, mightymouse +10, Saltgunner -7, hzen20 +7, 3dog -9, zimsthe +7, nww +6, Vermillion612 +11, DBNA_SD +1
Posted on 02 May 2012, 22:48 by:
dogma Score
Base +9, Vermillion612 -10, jaylou1010 -8, fine17 +5, DKblitz +5, marid +8, Hazai +14, 3dog -9, Zerokun-san +7, Zoar -6, Zexar -11, Freaky Friday -21, catdrag0n -11, and 15 more...
Base +1, Saltgunner +7, marid +8, prankstr +9, 3dog -9, BlackSummer +8, Warfox +8, Shintucky +4, guitar +8, jaylou1010 +9, mojomunkeez +15, nww +6, DanRade +6, and 5 more...
Base +5, 3dog -9, BlackSummer +8, in777 +9, mojomunkeez +15, 9009 +6, DBNA_SD +1, whipsawh +9
Posted on 08 June 2012, 16:35 by:
Novictre Score
Base +4, 3dog -9, BlackSummer +8, in777 -9, danixxx -31
Posted on 08 June 2012, 20:50 by:
Chloupek Score
Base +2, 3dog -9, Zoar +6, BlackSummer +8, in777 -9, danixxx -31
Posted on 28 June 2012, 02:02 by:
zukuenft Score
Base +7, 3dog -9, Zoar +6, Jaken Jragin -6, in777 -9, mojomunkeez -15, Kaoshammer -9, danixxx -31, Vermillion612 -11, starboar +9
Base +4, 3dog -9, BlackSummer +8, in777 +9, mojomunkeez +15, DBNA_SD +1, whipsawh -9, mrshreddy +8
Base +1, in777 +9, nww +6, DBNA_SD +1, whipsawh +9
Posted on 06 July 2012, 04:37 by:
MKCyrax Score
Base +8, in777 -9, viewtyjoe +9, danixxx -31, Maximum_Joe -31
Posted on 29 August 2012, 16:58 by:
ShionSinX Score
Base +2, DBNA_SD +1, whipsawh -9, thecloak -5, OogaChaka -1, CodeAsura +6, darkwing42 -18
Base +9, davale007 +6, DBNA_SD +1, whipsawh +9
Posted on 21 September 2012, 01:48 by:
erogal Score
Base +7, Maximum_Joe +31, DBNA_SD +1, PregnantWhoreFucker +6, darkwing42 -18