Base +23, tcvds +7, Osgon +9, mugen_darkness +12, NailB +18, Sushilicious +31, danixxx +31, aiwotorimodose +24, ClariNerd +14, ShiningMeow +11, HentaiM@ster +7, sangwoocool +11, Seldan +11, and 2 more...
Posted on 26 August 2012, 08:36 by:
sapphiron Score
Base +11, tcvds +7, Sushilicious +31, danixxx +31, jaylou1010 +9, HentaiM@ster +7, sangwoocool -11, fiestyferret +2, Hakrei +26, Orion9137 +11
Base +9, gandexf4 +7, kudo01 +7, Sushilicious +31, Bonekrusher +11, HodorHodor +4, danixxx +31, Wilsoz +7, jaylou1010 +9, Otaku_King +7, kalesh +5, HentaiM@ster +7, Takepyon +3, and 19 more...
Base +9, Sushilicious +31, jaylou1010 +9, Otaku_King +7, Laharl_EAC +9
Posted on 26 August 2012, 15:42 by:
penislord Score
Base +7, Sushilicious +31, grumpymal +30, paradoxa +6, HodorHodor +4, danixxx +31, jaylou1010 +9, ShiningMeow +11, Otaku_King +7, Sherlockian +8, Easy Baby +8, dat PLOT +10, HentaiM@ster +7, and 17 more...
Base +5, sangwoocool -11, liegard hugo -6, Hakrei -26, dunker3 -4
Base +10, Seldan +11, DJ_Puchuu +11
Base +7, Takepyon +3, Laharl_EAC +9, protoneji +9, fdgbxcfgxdfgdfg +8, Pafrog +11, bolgash +5, Arhimondex +7, Superstevefive +6, Orion9137 +11
Base +18, openminded20 +8, HentaiM@ster +7
Posted on 06 April 2014, 00:40 by:
Zetsuke Score
Base +7, DJ_Puchuu +11, Superstevefive +6, Drode +8, liegard hugo +6, Vastolo +8, fiestyferret +2
Posted on 09 September 2015, 22:04 by:
Brunoxsa Score
Base +6, Jorge Murilo +3