Posted on 22 September 2012, 12:47 by:
lixef Score
Base +10, Zero Angel +36, Cy48 +5, vatar17 +8, pokgai +7, watcher2342 +10, ABC DEF +10, observer1980 +25, bagiaaa +10, ClariNerd +14, KillCarrion +7, ZarisaHime +7, BurntCinder +5, and 4 more...
Posted on 22 September 2012, 13:14 by:
roguex187 Score
Base +2, ABC DEF +10, Ficfactor +8, observer1980 +25, Bane13 +21, ffxxffxx -3, BurntCinder +5
Posted on 22 September 2012, 13:50 by:
ramask2 Score
Base +10, Zero Angel +36, aiwotorimodose +25, pokgai +7, aaron_ +11, Bomb Square +7, MidnightR +8, ABC DEF +10, KJacket +16, SRK Yun +14, observer1980 +25, c0py +8, Anonyslime +10, and 16 more...
Base +2, Zero Angel +36, aiwotorimodose +25, pokgai -7, ABC DEF +10, SRK Yun +14, observer1980 +25, ClariNerd +14, the phantom limb +7, captcarisma +15, ZarisaHime +7, darklord1235 +9, as102 +11
Posted on 22 September 2012, 16:14 by:
Vuffy Score
Base +6, ABC DEF +10, observer1980 +25, Bomb Square +8, ZarisaHime +7, as102 +11, GK_GAMES -7
Base +5, pokgai -7, Bomb Square +7, ABC DEF +10, observer1980 +25, HulkNorris +7, the phantom limb +7, ZarisaHime +7, as102 +11
Base +20, observer1980 +25, Bane13 +21, GK_GAMES +7