Posted on 02 September 2012, 06:17 by:
Mistral21 Base +6, admiral_konchak +7, Fandarel +10, Drumbass +7, gerrardj +10, dotSeed +7, falinx +10, Zero Angel +36, yurikon +7, ekimekimekim +7, cgh -9, SaittaMicus +17, Meowmux +9, and 23 more...
Posted on 02 September 2012, 07:27 by:
Anonatron Score
Base +7, SaittaMicus +17, blagblag +7, Flameo +7, homogenized -10, Limited +9
Base +3, dsoj -8, Thirteen20 +8, cgh +9, SaittaMicus -17, Meowmux +9, Silver_F0X -9, wanna -27, Flameo +7, Zakuzelo +7, wtf616 +9, Vodoka -6, danixxx -31, and 7 more...
Posted on 02 September 2012, 15:17 by:
fckr Score
Base +10, SaittaMicus +17, Flameo -7, Manakemia +3, homogenized +10, tganimation6 +15, Freelander26 +5
Base +4, Manakemia +3, homogenized -10, scrappy135 +8