Originally scanned this one some years back and found it earlier today while cleaning my drives out. Sadly the scan quality ain't exactly what I'd hope but it'll have to do as I can't seem to find the actual doujinshi for rescanning.
Please support the circle if you can. http://www.toranoana.jp/mailorder/cot/circle/40/26/5730323032363430/4e415659_01.html http://www.toranoana.jp/mailorder/article/04/0010/23/93/040010239328.html http://doujinshi.mugimugi.org/book/362271/Sakusei-Machine-Oreikinimashita/
Posted on 04 September 2012, 20:30 by: Red of EHCOVE
Score +101
NAVY? Always appreciated!
Base +38, Sushilicious +32, danixxx +31
Posted on 05 September 2012, 04:54 by: Anonymous777
Score +60
ERIS? Always appreciated!
Base +9, Ichigo-Neko +9, danixxx +31, Floripes +11