Well, this is the first time I see this artist, so, forgive me if this is a bit cruel. The artwork is good, but still average, this looks more like an sketch works rather than a Doujin, there's no much details which is sad, cause Ritsu & Mugi barely resemble the originals; the plot is the usual thing: One girl (Mio in this case) is enjoying the great things of life so the other girl (Ritsu) gets jealous and the lucky bastich gets an harem when the rest of the girls join, curiously, despite be so simple I like it; the action is hot, but not the necessary to turn me on; finally the censorShit is a bit heavy, taking more points of it. Overall, a decent Doujin to add in the K-ON! collection.
Final Call: Since beauty is in the eye of the observer, it's all your choice what to do.