From what I can tell with my intermediate knowledge of Japanese and a (very) lazy scan, Nekomusume has invented a new form of enjou kousai: neko kousai. At least that's what I think the NK thing means. Japanese slang (or foreign slang in general to a learner) is an ass. That, or she's talking about NeKo-style something or other, was too lazy to translate the rest in context.
@GEnkouhande I don't know enough kanji. It's an ass already to translate a page of any doujinshi since I have to stop nearly every kanji. Intermediate still means effectively "useless" for reading Japanese.
Base +10
Posted on 18 September 2012, 22:57 by: Genkouhande
Score +9
Would be nice if you could do a translation translation. Put your intermediate knowledge to intermediate use.