Base +8, CordellXXX -1, Victor DoUrden -10, god150 +7, Paizurikin -10, Aadiir -3, Oppai-x-Oppai +8, Flandre-chan -7
Posted on 19 September 2012, 05:26 by:
trungsrx Score
Base +8, Graus +20, Padappa +9, antikv +10, Zoro the Gallade +17, Victor DoUrden -10, god150 -7, Paizurikin -10, Oppai-x-Oppai +8
Posted on 19 September 2012, 06:08 by:
Nura87 Score
Base +3, spierdalacz +8, UltimateCP -9, Eriker -10, Shinxix -9, FarcasMircea -8, Ganein -10, Demosthenes -12, Nakashima Ritsu -2, B1aze01 -7, somethingperson -3, god150 +7, geromy -7, and 2 more...
Base +8, spierdalacz -8, UltimateCP +9, Eriker +10, Shinxix -9, Torky -7, armagedonbe -9, Ganein -10, a lonely hentai cat -7, Demosthenes +12, Graus -20, Nakashima Ritsu -2, B1aze01 -7, and 15 more...
Base +7, B1aze01 +7, TsumetaiX +2, antikv +10, Zoro the Gallade +17, jaylou1010 +9, god150 -7, Paizurikin -10
Posted on 19 September 2012, 11:05 by:
marc455 Score
Base +9, Shinxix +9, jubjubman8 -4, antikv -10, GuroLover12 -2, StillWind -14, god150 +7, Palaxius +32, worldendDominator2 +4, lolful64 +6
Posted on 19 September 2012, 15:31 by:
FireShark Score
Base +10, jaylou1010 +9, god150 -7
Base +8, Lacrexius +5, Demosthenes +12, jubjubman8 +4, Graus +20, danixxx +31, kudo01 +7, Hellomenameisnotme +6, Padappa +9, Xarax +13, reggieob +10, cam155 +5, grumpymal +30, and 22 more...
Posted on 19 September 2012, 21:29 by:
sekirei07 Score
Base +27, ScrewHero +8, AntiShisno +3, dogma +9, huipizdagovno -5, TaggingReader +9, Vorlance -10, mojomunkeez +15, jr2crazy +8, Wilsoz +7, antikv +10, Zoro the Gallade +17, yappers +10, and 35 more...
Posted on 20 September 2012, 00:00 by:
tomato86 Score
Base +10, antikv -10, rubyhiro +5, god150 -7, Anime Janai +11, Tremalkinger -10
Posted on 20 September 2012, 07:16 by:
Andate Score
Base +9, Wilsoz +7, Hamako -1, antikv -10, CordellXXX -1, god150 -7, ruwo -6, Aadiir -3
Base +11, antikv -10, CordellXXX -1, god150 +7, Paizurikin -10, ruwo -6
Base +5, god150 -7, worldendDominator2 -4, KaTIOWa +6, Paizurikin -10
Posted on 05 March 2017, 04:24 by:
kiwino Score
Base +2