Anything that has to do with Mahou Shoujo Ai I love!
Nice Gallery BTW!
Base +9, user777 +8, bleach27 +7, TheRokyando -7
Posted on 28 September 2012, 02:42 by: IvanaJackov
Score +45
I have to say this artist did not draw Mahou Shoujo Ai to the extend of the the original Color artist's. DAMN IT. It still burns me that they discontinued the Mahou Shoujo Ai series!
Base +11, user777 +8, CrimsonLurker +8, IcedMatcha +8, jeren_sky +10
It's always nice to have some new Mahou Shoujo Ai, even if it doesn't really look like Ai... At least the art is decent, which is better than many other works of this series.