This comic is made by Takaki Takashi, and he often draws the same four characters. The characters from Monochrome, and the characters from Trouble. Both stories deal with penis problems. The wordless comic has the characters from Monochrome, who are named Book and White. The 'dog', Book, is normally drawn very differently, and he appears to be a panda in this, I'm not sure what Takaki was thinking. The other one, White, is definitely a bear, and his story is that he has a small penis, and he's incredibly scared of not pleasing his partner with it, but obviously Book doesn't care. When Book is having a shower, White is thinking naughty thoughts, but feels terrible because he wants to act on his impulses but he thinks they won't work. The drill is sex. He doesn't think he can get it far enough inside. and the mushroom bubble is pointing at the smaller one, as in both of their dongs, and Book's is big and his is small. Book tackles him down to prove that isn't true, passionately makes out with him, and starts taking off White's pants. Of course, in Japanese culture, it's savage and animalistic to have sex when both partners haven't had a shower, especially if one's getting themselves dirty all over again if they just had a shower. Again, Book just doesn't care. He tries to get White ready for buttsex, but they get really into what they're doing, and obviously White is fine with that, but starts forgetting about his worries. When they finish, his hormones just don't care either, he really wants to nail his boyfriend. and so he tries to, but it doesn't work for long. They call it a night and get off and go to bed. At the end, the dual comics were about partners who didn't lose their virginity. Both Monochrome characters hadn't had deep passionate buttsex yet (I guess this is an alternate story, because in the real Monochrome, they both do), and in the other story, the sleaze didn't lose his butt virginity and the victim didn't lose his dong virginity like the poor guy wanted in the first place. .