Base +11, observer1980 +25, S-One +4
Base +9, observer1980 +25, youaregreat +7, Captian Katsura +5, crazymagic +10, Marisa Kirisame +8, dexetus +6, S-One +4
Posted on 22 October 2012, 06:59 by:
limc Score
Base +15, Kiriax +11, sanken +8, r8221 +11, the dru one +9, jaylou1010 +9, dersied +8, 151132 +8, observer1980 +25, Ziginus +7, SRK Yun +15, danixxx +35, 20200 +30, and 13 more...
Base +7, Drksrpnt +30, jonecx +7, Techwire +15, r8221 +11, Dsoul1150 +10, jaylou1010 +9, DKblitz +6, dersied +8, 151132 +8, Sky boy +7, observer1980 +25, Ziginus +7, and 15 more...
Posted on 22 October 2012, 07:50 by:
UrLeingod Score
Base +4, unknownx +9, flashpanty +9, observer1980 +25, youaregreat +7, S-One +4
Base +11, zykyne +6, baka7kami +8, Guestoid +8, Elementxj +4, jaylou1010 +9, 151132 +8, observer1980 +25, Ziginus +7, danixxx +35, bushwhacker2k +9, Minstrelofmoria +7, ron_hayato +5, and 1 more...
Posted on 22 October 2012, 10:08 by:
lwllw Score
Base +6, S-One +4
Base +7, Ooe Kintarou +4, S-One +4
Posted on 22 October 2012, 21:15 by:
qwefg Score
Base +8, youaregreat +7, Captian Katsura +5, S-One +4
Posted on 22 October 2012, 21:22 by:
masta518 Score
Base +6, Drow_Elf +12, Minstrelofmoria +7, S-One +4
Posted on 23 October 2012, 01:47 by:
neet101 Score
Base +9, observer1980 +25, Captian Katsura +6, Minstrelofmoria +7, S-One +4
Base +27, rinruririn +17, observer1980 +25, KaInEvIL +8, danixxx +35, AlgaeNymph -7, Ooe Kintarou +4, necrosis527 +10, S-One +4
Posted on 27 October 2012, 05:31 by:
southrim Score
Base +23, dersied +8, IconicIron +10, observer1980 +25, bushwhacker2k +9, Minstrelofmoria +7, AlgaeNymph +7, Pink Chaos +6, sasman +7, S-One +4, Anonimous1234567890 +6
Base +1, Nystic -7, AN1337 -6, BitchezBCrayCray -3, S-One -4
Posted on 05 May 2013, 17:52 by:
TriumphX Score
Base +3, AN1337 +6, necrosis527 +10, S-One +4
Posted on 13 August 2013, 22:09 by:
afffaf Score
Base +8, Minstrelofmoria +7, S-One +4