Posted on 22 October 2012, 07:33 by:
kitsuneH Base +20, Skinloot -6, Valhalla892 +6, Nights002 +6, Capi duffman +13, Lizardo +8, Quivit987 +6, ernie12 +15, omegaphlare +9, Binglo -40, varst -28, Supergang -17, exia45 +8, and 5 more...
Posted on 22 October 2012, 14:30 by:
bagiaaa Score
Base +10, Nights002 +6, Lonely Shrub +6, Romi the Byzantine +6, Capi duffman +13, Lizardo +8, blagblag +7, Supergang +17, aiwotorimodose +26, Xakep +16, ph57 +7, man333 +20, Sushilicious +32, and 9 more...
Base +7, Nights002 +6, Sushilicious +32, airhead +14, IceWitch +7, Shinryu-Rex +6