Posted on 12 November 2012, 12:00 by:
kitsuneH Posted on 12 November 2012, 15:16 by:
Granten Score
Base +8, Capi duffman +14, Anonyslime +10, danixxx +31, selenta +6, Nights002 +7, aiwotorimodose +26, jaylou1010 +9, XxDroidxX +6, IceWitch +7, CxHxA +8, Xavier Blitz +6, kathi9000 +4, and 5 more...
Posted on 12 November 2012, 16:17 by:
airhead Score
Base +14, Capi duffman +14, c0py +8, horat +8, danixxx +31, aiwotorimodose +26, jaylou1010 +9, IceWitch +7, as102 +9, LokiFox +4, NeoNilox +7
Posted on 12 November 2012, 16:33 by:
kt123 Score
Base +10, Capi duffman +14, Kainthedamned +16, vatar17 +8, The Dream Chaser +8, danixxx +31, Nights002 +7, aiwotorimodose +26, HodorHodor +5, jaylou1010 +9, XxDroidxX +6, IceWitch +7, CxHxA +8, and 9 more...
Base +7, Nights002 +7, jaylou1010 +9, IceWitch +7, TheChoy +10, Bane13 +22, DEADLIAR +6
Base +7, horat +8, Anonyslime +10, Nights002 +7, aiwotorimodose +26, jaylou1010 +9, IceWitch +7, CxHxA +8, Xavier Blitz +6, TheChoy +10, Urzur +8, NeoNilox +7
Posted on 28 January 2013, 18:17 by:
sermihage Score
Base +12, TheChoy +10, jopolox +5, Bane13 +22, NeoNilox +7
Posted on 26 November 2016, 15:43 by:
lacus1 Score
Base +12