I'd seen a vid of this somewhere... but I didn't see it ended up with her getting shot and not the rapist... huh? Fffffuuuck that. Thought it was pretty bad already, since I felt sorry for the ganguro gal, but that made it even worse. It's the obnoxious forever-alone rapist that I wanted to see get a bullet between his eyes.
Normally I don't care about fantasies and how they play out, but the premise to this one is a little on the nose.
It's dark humor, and I'm usually all for it, but outside of the animation itself, and some of the design-work and scenes, there's absolutely nothing likeable. ESPECIALLY the characters. The whole thing is self-aware, but somehow that just makes it worse.
Also @Quagiggity, the real person who needed to get done in was the news woman. The bitch took his criminal rating of 2 and turned it to a 10. You can name almost any other character in this. They likely deserved to get shot more than the victim and the perp.