Posted on 18 November 2012, 01:22 by:
pocky00 Base +6, Sennia -11, eheheh -11, Thot -24, Mister X000 -5, doggman255 +9, scrappy135 +7, Psychodekiller -5, qbmskt -6, pokey1 -6, Inofor -7, eneshintaro -4, koutsuujiko -10
Posted on 18 November 2012, 09:37 by:
Eviction Score
Base +11, Thot +24, fine17 +6, pocky00 +32, LoveAnimation +4, Geostigma +10, tan2000 +7, doggman255 -9, Loki 420 +11, Psyche-chan99 +4, flunder5 +7, overstrom +15, Oxygenarian +7, and 7 more...
Base +7, dzagana +8, LoveAnimation -4, Geostigma -10, Vadginator -7, Voltmetre +7, IcedMatcha -8, whatatreat2213 -5, Nightjumper -8, Mister X000 -5, doggman255 +9, youi155 -6, flunder5 -7, and 5 more...
Base +6, tan2000 +7, e7e -3, doggman255 -9, pokey1 +6
Posted on 07 December 2012, 09:01 by:
TophatSir Score
Base +8, SakakiFan01 +9, Eckin +12, doggman255 +9, flunder5 +7, overstrom +15, pokey1 +6, zihongdijun1310 +2
Base +1, GearZeroSky -12, jmd123 -7, pokey1 -6, Xousjah -1, graphicsguy -8, Inofor -7, eneshintaro -4, dairukan -6, VossZ -6, koutsuujiko -10