Posted on 28 November 2012, 18:58 by:
jankull Posted on 28 November 2012, 20:04 by:
ptonec Score
Base +8, Zero Angel +36, trady005 +6, snowshoes +13, Supergang +19, Sushilicious +32, Mann001 +5, yuripe +26, Palaxius -19, danixxx +31, aiwotorimodose +26, widowchaser -7, Lonesoul +6, and 10 more...
Posted on 28 November 2012, 20:36 by:
redbone Score
Base +14, Morgoth666 +8, drrdrr -9, Sushilicious +32, Yossarian762 -7, widowchaser -7, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, RedUnit10 +7, OTAKU_UNLMTD +7
Posted on 28 November 2012, 20:42 by:
Slobber Score
Base +28, Shylight +5, Sushilicious +32, danixxx +31, aiwotorimodose +26, daythi +7, Kenzaki Kazuma +24, S-Licc +8, Hentai2Go +8, Silvie +15, Visadio +15, OTAKU_UNLMTD -7
Base +9, Yossarian762 +7, drrdrr -9, ex91 +10, ZeroKnightmare -5, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, Slartibartfast -10, baffe -6, skeksis +9, daster23 +2, Zeezo +10, derpesse -7, stupid army +9, and 5 more...
Base +5, Yossarian762 +7, ZeroKnightmare +5, TaggingReader +9, jaylou1010 +9, daythi +7, V1988 +8, Visadio +15, Xerodusk +11, Siquall +6, whot +3
Posted on 28 November 2012, 21:33 by:
Babobo Score
Base +4, Summergraffiti +8, jeffonsky +7, Ghostface211 +9, aiwotorimodose +26, Krugger +8, RAGE1 +18, jaylou1010 +9, daythi +7, Kenzaki Kazuma +24, forvea +9, dementio +7, Silvie +15, and 6 more...
Posted on 28 November 2012, 21:51 by:
gradius Score
Base +10, drrdrr -9, Yoshai -8, ahounation -4, KPasa -8, ZeroKnightmare +5, baffe -6, Visadio -20, odachi234 -5, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Base +7, ZeroKnightmare -5, Dividedbyzero +13, RedUnit10 +7, Enki17 +10, daythi +7, xCardboard +1, forvea +9, dementio +7, Siquall +6, whot +3
Base +9, ZeroKnightmare -5, Erectus101 -6, Dividedbyzero +13, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, RedUnit10 +7, Whiplash +9, jaylou1010 +9, daythi +7, The Noodles -7, forvea +9, Andate -10, kinzen -9, and 2 more...
Base +1, ZeroKnightmare -5, widowchaser -7, baffe -6, daster23 +2, Lao Shan Long -7, Visadio -20
Base +8, Enki17 +10, jaylou1010 +9, The Noodles -7, kinzen -9, trady005 +7, Yatol +3, kasumi_fans -2, Siquall +6, Oblivo -6
Posted on 06 December 2012, 22:44 by:
pandekage Score
Base +1, The Noodles +7