I Aten't Dead! Just terribly busy since I got a new job, so there's little time for working on translations these days, alas :( . However, getting adjusted to how things are now also means more time available for working on translating stuff here and there, so hopefully I'll be able to do one or two more things before the month's over and then more after that :) .
Now, as for this doujin... I actually did this one back in the days when I first got my hands on GIMP and decided to test it out. And as it is, I've left it pretty much unchanged, with the exception of adding the title in english, the Author's Note at the end and couple more tihngs. Furthermore, you might want to know that the doujin is actually part of a larger doujin with some shorter stories bundled together - but I didn't like the other stories in it very much, only this one, and so this was the only one I felt like translating :p .