Posted on 04 January 2013, 13:47 by:
Red_Vodka Posted on 04 January 2013, 15:10 by:
zaz122 Score
Base +9, PhantomRenegade +14, IvanZ +5, psyburn21 +14, Red_Vodka +11, Maguswaffy +7, happygay +6, StillWind -11, Lakota -9, Mai_Waifu -5, Nights002 +7, zykyne +6, kudo01 +7, and 15 more...
Base +8, bagiaaa +10, shadowtyphoon +11, psyburn21 +14, Palaxius +19, TheRapture +7, Maguswaffy +7, synpyre +13, lowlevel +10, StillWind +11, Lakota +9, Nights002 -7, Padappa +14, and 76 more...
Base +9, PhantomRenegade +14, Nights002 +7, ChenDosColas +5, Kavr +5, danixxx +34, hswhat +8, man333 +22, m42a +12, silentrunner +8, popcorn99 +6, ShadowJ +6, Lokobr +16, and 12 more...
Base +11, bf842903 +7, MarklesMcReedleston +5
Posted on 04 January 2013, 14:42 by:
midday Score
Base +11, PhantomRenegade +14, Nights002 +7, Palaxius +19, jaylou1010 +11, ShadowJ +6, Epicsword +8, 1986GB +6, MarklesMcReedleston +5
Base +11, PhantomRenegade +14, Padappa +14, kuroshinko +7, GhostStalker +7, man333 +22, jaylou1010 +11, BartSSJ +10
Base +13, PhantomRenegade +14, Nights002 +7, maleh +13, danixxx +34, naarcissus +7, aiwotorimodose +28, man333 +22, jaylou1010 +11, BartSSJ +10, ShadowJ +6, Lokobr +16, Deathscythe008 +5, and 13 more...
Base +14, Padappa -14, ChenDosColas -5, PhantomRenegade +14, Xuriax +10, Rivfader89 -9, GhostStalker -7, HunterAce -7, StillWind -14, c556506 -4, Laharl_EAC -8, alcantarilla -7, ShadowMKII +7, and 4 more...
Base +9, alcantarilla +7, 1986GB +6
Posted on 07 January 2013, 04:35 by:
Hezard Score
Base +8
Posted on 07 January 2013, 04:45 by:
Bein Score
Base +6, jaylou1010 +11, m42a +12, Palaxius +20, Blue Star +9, Lokobr +16, The GIlgamesh +6, Kiranta +6, js2016 +5, Kuro Yuuki +5, Bomb Square +6, knucklesluigi +6, cochrane +22
Base +2, Uroboe +7, Riposte -7, S.D-kun +6, Tenchi Ryu -7, Cylade -5, ShadowJ -6, darkiat +7, Capi duffman -14, Deathscythe008 -5, Laharl_EAC -8, Bomb Square -6, Doommaster -5, and 7 more...
Posted on 19 February 2013, 11:44 by:
grejpfrut Score
Base +12, Lokobr +16, Umaki +6, Huy +6, Bomb Square +6, knucklesluigi +6
Posted on 02 October 2013, 02:30 by:
contown Score
Base +9, Altayrl +5, Huy +6, kuroishironeko -6, alcantarilla +7
Posted on 21 October 2013, 07:46 by:
DualGlint Score
Base +5, Wilfriback +6, Huy +6, tompeng +7, papercba +6, knucklesluigi +6, alcantarilla +7, 1986GB +6, PlayBoi Tiffany +5, lholmes20 +6, Allera2 +6
Posted on 24 October 2019, 20:31 by:
Guest2400 Score
Base +6, Steffyy +6, JumpingJellybeans +6, Allera2 +6
Posted on 25 June 2021, 22:21 by:
Logience Score
Base +6