Posted on 08 January 2013, 19:54 by:
Ratch Score
Base +12, EvaOtaku07 +11, pathhawk +11, toravisu +10, NailB +19, etothex +25, 4EverLost +31, Magenta +19, Chen Nyan~ -7, Easy Baby +3, Geistermeister -9, danixxx +34, Yurina +7, and 10 more...
Base +6, hypetrain +7, pathhawk +11, NailB -19, etothex +25, Luke78 +6, pinoys10 +9, xD4N73x +12, Gui Cogo +16, bigdemon123 +9, EvaOtaku07 -11, QuakeWorld +14, 4EverLost +31, and 23 more...
Base +10, Yurina -7, namuk66 -11, petalferrous -13, FJoker -6, Kreel +6, vomont -8, MelmothTheWanderer +34, player4578 -6
Base +7, Yurina -7, NailB +19, petalferrous +13, Whiplash +9, stratosphere +9, namuk66 -10, vomont +8
Base +6, Yurina +7, NailB +19, petalferrous +13, zykyne +6, xino +8, dpsk -1, namuk66 -10, vomont -8
Posted on 09 January 2013, 23:33 by:
Ficfactor Score
Base +8, petalferrous +13, CPR -9, namuk66 -10, BartSSJ +10, alastor10 +7, mutag3ne +6, Kreel +6, Maximimon +7, vomont +8, MelmothTheWanderer +34, player4578 -6
Base +6, Kreel +6, vomont +8, MelmothTheWanderer +34, player4578 -6