If you decide to translate this, all I ask is for you not to filter the shit out of the scans. The result is always bad and cheap looking. I tried to make these scans look passable with what little knowledge I have of the scanning and resizing process so you don't feel the need of smudging all toning and grayscales the artist took their time to create.
I don't think this should count as bestiality as it's not an animal and does not even resemble one. I think the monster tag would be closer to being correct.
Base +9, NailB +19, no-name here +10, Ooe Kintarou +4, Zerotation +6, Dottboy +15
This is a really high quality scan, thank you! It's very difficult to teach editors to use filters properly, so it's great to see raws that don't need any fixing.
Base +22, NailB +19, Ooe Kintarou +4, Zerotation +6